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We are 100% volunteer as you may have read in our teams mission statement. With that said donations are greatly appreciated. 100% of our donations go into our equipment needs. Would you consider donating to one of the following items below?

K9 Harness & Leash Line $125.00

Command Trailer Items $25.00

A/C For Command Trailer $650.00

Portable Honda Generator $1,300


Kawasaki Mule 4x4 $8,399


Your name will be placed on the unit as the donator

Used to transport K-9s & volunteers into the search field

Build Your Own Value

Maping Software $75.00

Safety Gear $50.00

Garmin Dog Tracking Device $650


Extra Tracking Collars $250

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Tracking Units For Our Field Crew $175.00. In Need Of 10.

Our command trailer shown here was purchased by donations from great people like yourself. This is used on every call and is a valuable resource in the search of missing loved ones.

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