Our team assist Police, Fire and other county agencies in emergencies. We are NIMS & have certifications in the Search & Rescue fields. Our team members give us over 100 years of combined medical, fire, police and military backgrounds. We are 501C3 and insured with VFIS insurance.
Dial 911
Emergency Operations

How Are We Dispatched?
Option 1:
An on scene first agency would contact their 911 communication center and have the request sent to Lebanon County EMA center (911). Our team is then dispatched from the Lebanon communication center with the pertinent information needed for the proper call out.
Option 2:
Since are a private 501C3 organization we can be used as a personal resource as well. Meaning anyone could use our services that we provide. To be contacted when you feel our resources are needed go to our facebook page and private message us where someone is always monitoring.
How Soon To Call Us?
Immediately. This is the biggest flaw in search and rescue today. It's important our team gets called immediately. Think of it this way, when a house is burning water sources are figured out immediately. This goes for the same thing in search and rescue. Our team has a longer response times due to our travel time, gathering K-9's, equipment and vehicles. Once we everything is gathered we set up a rendezvous for our members and then respond to your location.
What Areas Do We Cover?
We primarily serve a 7 county region from Lebanon County. However each call out is dependent on the need of our services. We are happy to assist in anyway we can, no matter the distance.
What Do We Arrive With?
Each call out is different. Gathering the information and working with the on scene agency is very important. Generally you will see our team deploy with tracking K-9's, ground search personnel, command trailer and accountability system to be a valid reliable resource.
If You Are Lost & Need Help. CALL 911
Not Affiliated, But Working With